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Remote Support Triad Geek On Site PC Service and Support in the Piedmont Triad NC

Triad Geek can now call into your PC and fix it!

Triad Geek can now access your computer via the Internet to diagnose and fix many kinds of problems. The main requirement is that your computer has to be functioning well enough to get on the Internet. Then we can connect with your PC using a secure, encrypted link to take control, investigate your problem, and implement a solution.

Here are the simple steps you need to follow for remote technical support:

Remote Support Triad Geek On Site PC Service and Support in the Piedmont Triad NC

1) Call 336.406.3528 or e-mail us to check availability and briefly describe your problem

2) After we respond back to your e-mail or phone call

3) Click this link OR the START button on the left and press Open or Run in the file download dialog box that will pop up

4) Fill in your Name & Address then click NEXT in the lower right corner

5) Fill in your e-mail address and phone number and then click CONNECT

6) Your PC will now send an invitation to Triad Geek to take control of your computer

You will be able to see me moving the mouse around on your screen. Your wallpaper (background picture) will temporarily disappear while I am controlling your PC. It will return when I disconnect.

The remote support tool does not permanently install itself on your PC, nor does it change any registry settings. Once support is complete, your computer will remove all traces of the support tool. We will not be able to get back into your computer unless you invite me by clicking on the link again.